We are all aware of the devastating events happening in Ukraine right now. Fortunately many of the people fleeing the war have taken their animals with them, however many animals have sadly been left behind in shelters. We were motivated to do something to help, and have been humbled by the extraordinary efforts of our surgery teams and their generous clients in supporting this humanitarian and animal welfare crisis.
The group has already donated £750 and £150 worth of bandages directly to the appeal. The Animal Clinic, Manor Vets, Mead Vets, Lakeview Vets and Streatham Hill have also collected pet food, medicine, bedding, clothes and children’s toys that have formed part of a 4 tonne shipment of aid which has recently left for the Ukraine. The logistical coordination of getting this shipment to Ukraine was organised by the incredible Joanna Bell, who also happens to be one of our clients.
The first lorry load full of supplies arrived in Ukraine over the weekend of 19 March, London Veterinary Surgeries will continue to send medicines and other supplies for as long as necessary.
What more can we do?
If you want to help we are asking for any donations of pet food, treats, leads and bedding (good condition) that you can spare or you can pledge support to Joanna Bell’s JustGiving appeal.
Together we can do our bit to help the Ukrainian people and animals who are suffering right now.