Although certainly a different Easter with our pets than we anticipated when we started 2020, all of our team at Streatham Hill Vets hope you at least got to spend some quality time with your furry companions, very many of them no doubt relishing the love and attention at this worrying time. Many loyal clients have contacted us to see which services we are currently offering at the surgery and questions of how we are managing emergencies, routine appointments and vaccines during the lockdown period.
If you are worried about a change in your pet or a new condition, please call the surgery and for peace of mind we can see you by video consultation or talk to you in a phone consultation. If your appointment requires physical examination or treatment, we are also able to see you at the surgery. All of our consultations are conducted at the usual price.
At present, due to honouring social distancing and prevent spread of infection, we are not able to let more than one client use our reception area. Upon your arrival at the surgery, please call our team on Streatham Hill Vets and let them know you have arrived for an appointment. One of our dedicated nurses will come to collect your pet once the vet is available. The consultation can then be carried out by phone with our vet.
Please inform the receptionist/nurse if you are currently in a household that is self- isolating or if you have been diagnosed with Covid-19. We are then able to advise you further on how we can still treat your pet and we ask you to look at alternative ways to get your pet to see the vet, if necessary, after a video consultation .
You will notice our teams are wearing masks and gloves. Whilst there is no need for you to wear these, as we continue to see sick pets, we would like to ensure our clinical team is fully protected.
Our team are completing stringent hygiene checks at regular intervals to minimise transmission of infection.
Our vet team will not at present be conducting routine neutering operations or carrying out vaccinations which are able to be delayed until after the lockdown period has ended. This important part of your pet’s healthcare does remain under constant review. The administering of vaccines is at our vet’s discretion however, we are aware there are areas of risk which will need to be assessed by our vet’s case by case.
Kittens are able to wait until 6 months of age to be vaccinated and can remain indoors until this time.
If your puppy is unable to be exercised in your garden safely and is required to be exercised away from your home, we would consider a puppy vaccination course dependent on circumstance.
Booster vaccinations for all pets are able to be delayed at this time.
Repeat prescription consultations are able to be conducted preferably via a video consultation however, where necessary these can also be conducted by phone.
We have been working hard to ensure that all pets registered with us are receiving their medication, be this by post or home delivery where we are able to.
VIP status? Excellent news if you are a part of this amazingly valuable club. Our automatic postage service will be in action very shortly to cover the next 3 months of preventative treatment direct to your door!
We will shortly be introducing free online nurse consultations to help with preventative questions you may have as we move into warmer weather.
As we head into another week of lockdown, our thoughts continue to be with the NHS frontline staff and those people who are suffering from the virus. We hope that our country will be back to health and some normality very soon, but until then, please be reassured that we remain here for you and your pets.
Stay Safe and Best Wishes
Published 15th of April 2020