Lungworm is a lethal parasite that used to be relatively rare in England, however, over recent years we have seen more and more cases. It can affect dogs and foxes, and is spread through ingestion of snails and slugs, which many dogs accidentally do while sniffing around in the park or garden.
If diagnosed in your pet it can usually be successfully treated and the specific medication implemented will depend on the clinical signs displayed by your pet and how severe the disease is. Prevention against lungworm requires either a monthly spot-on product or a monthly oral tablet licensed for use against the parasite. These products are prescription only and our friendly vets can discuss your pet’s requirements with you to work out the best option.
Many of the products are available as standard on our fabulous VIP plan, so you can be assured that you are receiving comprehensive parasite prevention if you are one of our VIP’s.
For more information on Lungworm, check out our handy infographic and our blog.
Another exciting week for our teams! Our wonderful vets performed many complicated surgeries saving the lives of our little four-legged friends! We wish all of them a swift recovery and we can’t wait to see them healthy and happy!
This handsome boy is Lucas. He came in as an emergency as he had not been urinating properly and has a history of having a blocked bladder.
This life threatening condition causes cats to be unable to urinate and can be caused by a blockage such as bladder stones, tumours or even stress. It is most common in young male cats who have not been neutered. Sometimes it is “idiopathic” meaning it has no identifiable cause.
Lucas is 7 years old and neutered and has been very unlucky to get this condition. He is lucky his owners are very observant and noticed he was having difficulties.
Our Vet Viraf performed an ultrasound and some Xrays to check for any obvious cause. He then placed a catheter into the bladder to allow urine to be able to pass.
He will go to our wonderful sister surgery in Streatham Hill for overnight monitoring but we expect him to make a good recovery!
Meet this gentle giant Baxter who came to us for TPLO surgery to fix his leg 🐕
TPLO surgery is necessary when the cranial cruciate ligament which is a band of fibrous tissue that connects the thigh bone to the shin bone, ruptures 🦴
This breakdown is mostly caused by weakening over time, although some breeds are predisposed to the condition such as Rottweilers, Boxers and Labradors 🐶
The wonderful Gabriella performed the surgery on Baxter and he’s already much more comfortable 💛 He is particularly enjoying his decorative bandage!! We’re wishing him a super swift recovery and we’re looking forward to seeing him for his post-surgery check up 🐕
Here’s Marshmallow who came to see us last week, shes back with us for her surgery.
She has a prolapse rectum due to straining, so we took an xray which showed she had a urinary stone.
Mark the vet was able to remove the stone successfully. 😁
Mark has advised that Marshmallow goes on a lower calcium diet and tries to have more water in her diet to prevent this from happening in the future. 💧🥒
We wish her a speedy recovery ! 💚
Here is Hunni who is recovering from pyometra surgery. 💕
A pyometra is an infected uterus and can cause them to become very sick, very quickly. Lifesaving surgery is necessary to remove the whole uterus and this was done by Enrico.
At the grand old age of 13, Hunni has done marvellously with her recovery and we hope to be sending her home in the next couple of days!! xx
Busy day for Briar…. here is Charlie recovering from his TTA operation.
A TTA is a surgery to repair the cruciate ligament in the stifle joint. It stands for tibial tuberosity advancement.
Prior to surgery, Enrico took xrays and marked the advancement angles required – see picture attached. You will also see a post operative X-ray which shows the implants left in the joint.
Charlie has recovered really well and will be discharged tomorrow.
He wanted to be super close to the camera (and the person taking the picture) Look at those eyes! 😍😍😍