Our surgeries have been very busy during the week but our vets were always on hand to treat your precious pets and to provide an outstanding level of service both to our clients and their pets! From lumps to anaemia, vaccinations and health checks our incredible team covered it all!
This lovely boy is Louie. He saw our Vet recently because he had had some wobbly episodes and she noticed he had a heart murmur. He came in so our Vet Viraf, who has undertaken further training in ultrasonography, could do an Echo, or ultrasound, of his heart. You can see a video of this in the comments below
His scan did not show any major abnormalities but Louie does have high blood pressure. We have started him on some medication and will monitor him closely, alongside his excellent owner
Don’t let the little frowny face fool you, he was a very well behaved boy and didn’t mind being here at all ❤️
This little sweetie is Nina!
She was brought to us in December as she had suddenly become very unwell. Her lovely owners had only had her for a short time after taking her in when she was abandoned
Our Vet Viraf diagnosed her with IMHA (Immune Mediated Haemolytic Anaemia) This is a condition where the body’s immune system attacks it’s own red blood cells and can be fatal.
She was so very ill that we were very concerned that she may pass away that day.
However, almost a month later – here she is! She has responded very well to medication and her number of red blood cells is now normal – in fact slightly higher than normal
We will monitor her and hopefully she will continue to stay stable for a very long time
This gorgeous lady came in to see our vet Mark to have a health check and her nails clipped.
As you can see, due to stress from her old home, she has been plucking her feathers which has now become a behaviour problem.
She has been adopted into a new home with a play mate and is doing a lot better.
She is definitely a character!
Look at this clever girl Ulla! She has been guiding her mum for 8 and half years! She retires next month but we are happy to say she is staying with her family and a new boy will be guiding her mum.
She can sit back and relax whilst he starts his career. 🐾
Check out Sherbert. She visited us for a lump removal and coped with surgery and general anaesthesia really well. She was discharged home later that evening for her owners to deliver her post operative care.
😍😍 What a sweetie 😍😍