Zazu has been in Streatham Hill Vets hospital since the 19th of August for wound management after being attacked by a dog. She had sustained multiple wounds on her back, her side, and her right hind leg.
Wounds, especially bite wounds, have a high risk of becoming infected. With Zazu, the wounds were flushed and debrided to reduce this risk and she was started on antibiotics and pain relief. Unfortunately, the wounds became extremely infected and started to break down 😔
As the infection worsened Zazu developed a fever. With a very high fever she wasn’t feeling well enough to eat so a tube was placed through a surgical incision on the side of her neck into her oesophagus – This allowed us to feed her directly into her oesophagus. Zazu required a lot of energy to help her fight the infection and build up her strength.
During this time Zazu continued to undergo daily treatment, with our senior surgeon Gabriella🩺, to help stop the spread of infection. She continued on antibiotics, pain relief, appetite stimulants and fluids. Over the weekend the negative pressure drain that was helping to remove fluid and debris from her wound, and her feeding tube were both able to be removed as she is now eating on her own.
In the video below, our lead vet Gabriella, who was in charge of Zazu’s case, speaks about the complexity of her wounds. Zazu underwent multiple surgeries to help control the infection, and then to close the large wound which was left.
Zazu has gone home to her amazing owner today, but not before everyone in the practice said their goodbyes to her! 🐱
The whole team at Streatham is so happy to see her doing well as she has taken up a place in each of our hearts. We can’t wait to see this brave girl for her check-ups❤️